Articles Computer Hardware

Articles Computer Hardware
Component-Computer Components
Beep computer speakers issued on the post or when the error / gangguang certain. Voters who appear through computer speakers, generally indicates an error in the program is running. Beep can be added in the program created by inserting a code ASCII 7.

Basic Input Output System. Software installed on a computer chip to manage the basic operations such as screen, hard disk, memory, VGA, etc.. Part of the operating system that can identify a set of programs used to boot the computer, before putting the system disk. BIOS is available in ROM (Read Only Memory) from the system and generally stored permanently. Programs that used to turn on the computer microprocessor. BIOS also manage the flow of data between the computer and operating system enhancements that are connected to the computer.

The process turned the computer.

Bootable CD:
CDs that can be used for booting

Channel, which consists of a set point that sejenis.Sekumpulan cable is a transportation information to all the equipment in the system. Information can be data, command or address.

Cache Memory:
High-speed memory that is able to work with the CPU, act as a buffer between the CPU and main memory is slow.

Box engine computer (the motherboard and supporters, power supply, disk drives, hard disk, CD ROMdrive). Platform or place to protect the motherboard, the control board, power supply and disk drive components-kompenen other. A case was no more than an order from the computer. This is a case where the components of a computer system is located, is also to place cooler (cooling fan), and also to ground electricity that are on the components of the framework is made of iron. Case the place with a large expansion that many preferred, with the expansion of space that you can add more devices other easily. Examples of devices that can be added is, for example, a DVD drive, a CD writer, and others. Currently, the prime minister to form the tower is usually preferred in the case of a desktop form because it has a more extensive expansion to, and can also have the ability to better cooling. A case can be at or atx, where the difference lies in the position of the motherboard later, as power supply that came with the case. Case computers usually come with the power supply, although sometimes it is suggested that you buy a separate powersupply that can get both quality barangtersebut with the same high.

CD ROM Drive: CD ROM tool player. A drive for recording or play the Compact Disc, which is often found adalahCD-ROM (CD Read Only Memory) MO (Magneto-Optical) and worms (Write Once Read Many).

Color Graphics Adapter. One type of monitor, the IBM standard for quality low-resolution monitors, in graphic mode can only display the 4 colors.

Hours / pewaktu. Series of frequency generator. The main source of credits electronic computer. Clocks used for making the operation of all elements of the computer.

Compelementary metal oxide semiconductor. RAM size of a small 64-byte save the BIOS settings when the computer is turned off. CMOS technology is an extension of the MOS IC yield to the needs of low battery power. CMOSdigunakan to save the configuration program, the program diagnostic information and the date and time of making the files that will not disappear even if the computer is turned off.

Communications of acronym or often called a serial port, which is the component that connects the CPU with printers, modems and other equipment.

Central Processing Unit. The main processing unit in terms of technique called the microprocessor, is the general understanding of the machine is the computer chassis with all the contents inside. Central processing of entries that generate output. Included here are all the registers, the circuit aritmatik, a unit comparison, etc..

Catoda Ray Tube technology used to create system display / computer monitors use cathode ray tube.

A data storage media. The definition of the disk is a hard drive or floppy disk. While the floppy disk is a floppy diskette. The thin plate coated magnetic materials (iron oxide) that is able to save some data or information. Reading and writing information concentrated on the track.

Disk Boot:
Floppy disk that can be used for booting the computer

Disk cleaner:
Liquids used to clean the head on diskdrive

Disk defragmenter:
The tool used to adjust the structure or layout of the file so that it will reduce the fragmentation of a hard disk space.

Dynamic RAM. Memory PC ditulisi.Untuk can read and store data in memory, the contents need to direfresh periodically. This type of memory used in the main memory used for routine process.

Door, the disk drive.

Software, which makes the operating system to communicate with the peripherals of bias or other means, for example, the mouse driver to control the mouse.

Enhanced Graphics Adapter. One of the standard resolution monitor. EGA capable of displaying 16 colors in the model graph, at the monitors CGA.Monitor above the EGA card capable of displaying 16 colors in the form of text (80 characters x 25 or 40 x 25karakter), 16 colors in the form of low-resolution and high resolution 4warna on display and 640 x 350titik graph. Development of the EGA are the type of ATI Technologies Inc. with a card called EGA WONDER, can display 132 x 25 characters. Monitor of the EGA still plug the monitor with the same type of CGA monitor and didn't. EVEREX card issued EPGA (Proffesional Enhanced Graphics Adapter), capable of displaying 649 x 480 dot (dot) with 256 colors, from the 4096 combination of primary colors (pallette). EPGA and also called PEGA (Proffesional Enhanced Graphics Adapter), or the PGA (Proffesional Graphics Adapter), the screen displays text 132 x 43karakter on multi-frequency, or birthday syncing, and the flexibility that you can use the monitor and didn't enhanced monitor. Inimempergunakan monitor 9 pin connector, which consists of 2 lines.

Floopy drive / diskdrive:
is a component of the computer used to floopy drive or floppy disks as storage media data

GUI (graphical User Interface) is the display menu with a computer program modegrafis.

Hard disk:
Media large data storage capacity.
Head, the end of the recorder, part of the disk drive or a function to read or write.

Workstation (computer users)

Further, placement and configuration files that are required by the computer system.

IP Address:
Internet Protocol address is the name of a computer connected to the network in the form of certain rules.

Network Computers:
Relations between the computer one with the other computer to get the sharing of resources.

Linux Kernel:
The core of Linux, is a special code that is created for Linux, with the task management process, memory, hardware drivers, the drivers file system, and network management.

Board key, keyboard.

A peripheral used to connect one node to another node through the cable.

Local Area Network

LAN Card:
Periperal a computer that is used to connect a computer to other computers.

Line Printing Terminal or parallel port. Port for connecting a PC with a printer.

Least Significan bits. The smallest unit of information in a binary number. One bit is enough to declare the difference between yes and no, up and down, on and off, one and zero. Computers must display the information in bits because of electronic circuits made only two circumstances, on or off. In a computer information arranged in 8 bit or 1 byte.

Micro Processor Unit. Same with the CPU

Board computer network where all electronic components terangkai computer.

Text mode:
Display the menu with a computer program written or text mode, usually executed with the command key keyboard

Open Source:
Computer software development project of the distribution of funds, which are free and include the original program code so that other people can be developed.

Group data in one unit in the RAM memory, generally 1 byte = 8 bits.

Peripheral Component Interconnect. Peripheral bus that commonly used on the PC, Macintosh and workstations. First designed by Intel and appear in the market padaakhir 1993. PCI provides faster data transfer path between the CPU components diPC other peripherals such as video, disk, network and others.

Tools. Specifications support equipment yangdibutuhkan by a PC that can work optimally.

Interupt Programmable Controller. Selaterprogram control. Chip that works to control the process of interpolation between peripherals. Tool sidelines of the peripherals that work to help the CPU in the process of interpolation.

Power-on Self Test is the test conducted by the PC to check the function of supporting components of the PC to work properly.

Power Supply:
A series of electronic function sebagaipencatu power / grantor source voltage / currents on the equipment.


Random Access Memory, a memory that can be read and written. The information will be lost if the computer dies.

Mengenolkan clear the memory or logic keluaran.Memulai from the beginning.

is a tool used to check the structure of a file system


Server is a central computer and provide facilities for other computers

the use of shared resources (peripheral dandata) contained in the computer in the network.

Operating System:
Operating system is a system that links between computer users with computer hardware.

Software, a computer application program

Source Code:
The source code that can be developed by the Users

the picture layout components elektonika in the form of the face image with the exact same size.

How to connect between computers.

Solutions to problems that often occur

User friendly:
It is very easy for users

Universal Serial Bus. Socket found in all new models for PC connection USB devices. USB support the installation of the system with easy Plug and Play, and gradually replaced the serial port and pararel that long. USB devices include scanners, modems and printers.

UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) is a pair of cables that dililit one another with the goal of reducing the electrical interference that there are from two, four or more pairs (usually used in the network is 4 pairs / 8 cable) with the method pengawatan

Video Random Access Memory (Video RAM) Type spesialdari DRAM, which allows direct access to high speed memory through the video circuit. The type of memory is more expensive than a conventional DRAM chips.